Orange County Housing Helpline
We connect people with housing resources in Orange County. Contact us today, if you or someone you know needs:
Housing repairs or information
Eviction assistance, or
Access to homeless services​
Phone: 919-245-2655 (Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm)
Leave a detailed voicemail with your name, phone number, and the type of help you need. Make sure you have your voicemail set up and has space for messages. Someone will return your call as soon as possible.
Email: housinghelp@orangecountync​.gov (Anytime)
Include as much information as possible in your email, including your name and the type of help you need. Someone will return your email as soon as possible.
In-person Drop-in Hours: (Locations and hours below)
Mondays, 10am-1pm
IFC Commons
110 West Main St, Carrboro (map)
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:30am-4pm
Southern Human Services Center
2501 Homestead Rd, Chapel Hill (map)
Housing Helpline Services
Information and Referral
Experienced and compassionate staff will have a non-judgmental conversation with you. Based on what you tell them, they will make the best possible referral to resources either in the Housing Department or elsewhere in Orange County. We can also provide listings to affordable rental units in Orange County.
Eviction Diversion
If you have received a court summons, you need legal assistance. Orange County's Housing Department has staff who can provide basic legal information about evictions, legal advice based on your situation, and can possibly represent you in court. This is a free service. Find out more about Orange County's Eviction Diversion program here.
Homeless Services
If you have been homeless for two weeks or more, Housing Helpline can offer the first step in finding a long-term housing solution. It’s called a coordinated entry interview and it takes about 45 minutes to complete. We can conduct a coordinated entry in person or over the phone.
There is no same-day shelter in Orange County.
Housing Helpline staff are not shelter staff. We work with individuals to get on the shelter referral list.
Orange County offers Cold Weather Cots on a first-come first-served basis when the temperatures are expected to be below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
Housing Helpline staff cannot assist with housing searches. We refer to organizations that may be able to assist with that process.
Fliers about Housing Helpline, Coordinated Entries, and HUD's Continuum of Care in Orange County can be found on our Resources page.