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FY2024-25 Local Permanent Supportive Housing Funding Opportunity


BACKGROUND: In FY2023-24, the Orange County Board of Commissioners approved funding to expand Permanent Supportive Housing for people exiting chronic homelessness for the next ten years. On Wednesday, July 17th, the OC Partnership to End Homelessness, as Continuum of Care Lead Agency,  announced a Request For Applications (RFA). Projects selected will be funded for 2.5 years. 








Project Applications

Orange County is soliciting agencies to submit new and renewal consolidated project applications. All project applications and supplementary materials are due by Friday, August 16th .  Application and materials to be emailed to





Wednesday, July 17                                     Public notification of funding opportunity

Friday, Aug 16                                            Letters of Interest and supporting documents due

Friday, Aug 16 – Friday, Sept. 6th             Project Review Committee reviews applications / supporting                                                                                           materials received by the local deadline

Week of Monday, Sept 9th                        PRC develops funding recommendation

Friday, Sept 13                                             CoC staff provide written notification of funding recommendation

Monday, Sept 16                                         OCPEH Leadership Team makes funding determination

Tuesday, Sept. 17                                        CoC staff provide written notification of determination

Tuesday, Sept 26                                         Last day to appeal determination

Wednesday, Sept 22                                   CoC staff provide Orange County Housing Department

                                                                       written notification of the CoC’s determination to initiate contracting




Project Review Committee

Community members with a knowledge of homeless programs and community priorities serve on the Project Review Committee (PRC). PRC members work with funding recommendations for Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and Continuum of Care (CoC) competitions, and monitor program performance throughout the year. Project Review Committee members revise the project rating and ranking tool used to score CoC & ESG project applications and draft a list of recommended and prioritized projects for OCPEH Leadership Team review.


Project Review Committee members complete Conflict of Interest Disclosure forms and abstain from discussing or voting on any agencies they have ties to during CoC and ESG funding competitions. Members serve from July 2024 - June 2026.


Please email Alex Rubenstein, if you are interested in learning more about the Project Review Committee.


How to Apply


Please submit a brief letter of interest - no more than 2 pages in length – on agency letterhead signed by applicants’ Executive Director or authorized signer. LOIs that exceeds the 2-page limit may not be reviewed or considered. All LOIs should include the following:


1. Applicant Information – Applicant agency name, Agency Office location, Program Name, Executive Director name and contact information.

2. Attestation - Applicant has reviewed and agrees that they meet threshold measures detailed in the CoC Local Scorecard. Attestation will include the agreement to work with CoC staff to develop and implement an improvement plan for unmet threshold measures.

3. Statement of local impact – Applicant will describe how the increased Permanent Supportive Housing inventory will improve the Orange County CoC’s system performance.

4. Statement of equitable outcomes – Applicant will describe how the increased Permanent Supportive Housing inventory will be used to measure racially equitable program outcomes.



Completed and signed CoC Agency certification form

Completed and signed PSH Best practices form

Completed CoC Local FY24 Scorecard

HMIS PSH APR for July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024 (if PSH program received any CoC funding during this period)

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